As if November isnt busy enough….

2 Nov
  • I’m participating in NaNoWriMo (which is National Novel Writing Month, where you write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.) Challenging? Oh yes. Impossible? No.
  • Not only am I reading The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare but I’m also re-reading the Harry Potter books.
  • Speaking of Harry Potter that reminds me that i have to go pick up my tickets for the midnight showing.
  • Plus I’ve got my college classes to deal with. English and Office are easy peasy. However its my Micro Economics class that is going to slowly torture me to death.
  • Then there’s also planning and organizing this years thanksgiving dinner, which of course someone nominated me to take charge of it. Why oh why did i agree to this?
  • And that reminds we are now in the christmas shopping season. Oh have mercy. The Relatives better get their lists into me before thanksgiving. I’d like to be done Christmas shopping before Dec 1st.

I believe that’s all the things that i’m partaking in, this month. There’s probably something that i forgot and will remember in a couple weeks. It always happens. They really need to make those remember balls from Harry Potter.

until next time.

– T


22 Oct

I’m bored with the 30 Day challenge.

no more.

Day 14

21 Oct

A photo of your last/next holiday destination:

My last Vacation was to Los Angeles and well my next vacation will be in Feb and that will also be Los Angeles.

Day 13

20 Oct

A Photo of your handwriting:


Day 12

19 Oct

A photo of your favorite shoes

Day 11

18 Oct

Favorite places to shop

  • Forever 21
  • Target
  • Borders
  • Wal-mart
  • Charlotte Russe
  • Wet Seal
  • Marshall’s
  • Fred Meyer
  • Sears
  • Kohls
  • Kmart

Day 10

17 Oct

Your facebook profile photo.

Day 9

16 Oct

What is your morning routine?

  • Hit the snooze button at least 2-3 times before i get up.
  • change out of pj’s
  • brush hair and wash fash.
  • eat breakfest while checking facebook.
  • brush teeth
  • wake megan up
  • leave for class

Day 8

15 Oct

Pet Peeves

  • People who don’t call or text you back when they say they will.
  • When people open your bedroom door and come in to talk to you, but when they leave they don’t close the door.  Like seriously come on now.
  • Smokers who point blank purposely blow smoke into your face.
  • People texting  or even talking on the phone when they are driving. Pull over to the side of the road, or hand off your phone to the person in the passenger seat you nitwit.
  • Empty containers in the fridge or pantry.
  • People who constantly interrupt the conversation to talk about something that they’ve done. I hate it when someone does that.

Day 7

14 Oct

a photo of your favourite accessories/jewelery

This is my favorite necklace. Nichole Buckley, who is Jac Vanek’s best friend gave it to me a year ago at Warped Tour for helping out at Jac’s Booth. I’ve always loved this Thoreau quote and the fact that Jac had it put on a dog tag necklace made me sqee with delight. The dog tag that i have is actually shades of blue and not brown like the one pictured above.